
Your Social Media Rants Aren't Changing Too Many Opinions

Recollect your political rants on Facebook or Twitter are persuasive enough to get other people to alter their opinions? Don't flatter yourself.

The Why Axis Bug

A contempo study from the Pew Research Center reveals that exposure to opposing views on social media has not caused most Americans to change their own stance on issues in the past year. But 14 per centum of the 4,594 The states adults surveyed between May 29 and June 11 said they take changed their views about a political or social consequence in the past twelvemonth due to something they saw on social media.

Pew social media political influence

"Certain groups, especially young men, are more likely than others to say they've modified their views considering of social media," according to Pew Inquiry Banana Kristen Bialik. "Around three-in-x men ages 18 to 29 (29 percentage) say their views on a political or social issue changed in the past year due to social media."

More Democrats and liberal-leaning independents take re-thought their views because of social media posts this yr than Republicans and conservative-leaning Independents have, Pew found.

"Although most people have not changed their views on a political or social issue in the past year because of social media, those who have also tend to identify a high level of personal importance on social media as a tool for personal political engagement and activism," Bialik wrote.

Meanwhile, Pew conducted a similar survey with slightly different wording in 2022 and found that 20 percent of social media users had modified their opinion on a social or political consequence because of something they saw on i of these services. That time, the research firm asked users if they had ever done so. The more recent survey focused on whether users had in the by year.

About Angela Moscaritolo


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